Monday, June 10, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley - Housing Resources and Expertise through CowFocused Housing

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley is a management consultant and dairy housingexpert at CowFocused Housing: a cow housing consulting firm that works with dairy farmers to determine the facility design that works best for their animals and their operation.

A dairy operation specialist throughout his career, Dr. Jeffrey Bewley serves as a resource of insight and expertise to dairy farms throughout the region—providing the perspective dairy managers need not only to maximize cow health, but to achieve the enhanced productivity and profitability they deserve.

The Cow Housing Expertise Farmers Trust

Dr. Bewley and his colleagues take great care to evaluate each dairy’s unique situation and housing needs—and to determine the housing layout that is best suited to their operation. 

Jeffrey Bewley and his team offer trusted expertise in the areas of:

·         Compost-Bedded Pack Barns
·         Freestall Barns
·         And Tie-stall Barns

To learn more, visit today.