Monday, November 11, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley - Metabolic Diseases in Dairy Cattle

As an expert in dairy systems management, Dr. Jeffrey Bewley understands the challenges producers are faced with when it comes to maintaining a healthy, productive herd. One ongoing challenge dairy farmers face is the identification and prevention of common metabolic disorders that can have a significant impact on an animal’s lactation performance and fertility.

Metabolic Diseases in Dairy Cattle

Some of the most common metabolic disorders affecting dairy cows include:
  • Acidosis – a condition that can result in slower forage digestion and a reduction in both cud chewing and feed intake.

  • Hypomagnesemia – Also known as “grass staggers,” hypomagnesemia often results from a severe drop in dietary magnesium. The risk for this disorder tends to be highest in early spring and later autumn.

  • Hypocalcemia – Commonly referred to as “milk fever,” hypocalcemia generally results from a severe drop in blood calcium levels – that which may be precipitated during the beginning of milk production.

Jeffrey Bewley currently serves as Consultant at CowFocused Housing.