Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley - A Resource of Cow Housing Expertise

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley has studied, researched and taught in the field of dairy cow management and housing for much of his career.

Currently a management consultant and partner at CowFocused Housing, Dr. Bewley now works one-on-one with dairy producers not only to maximize the health and comfort of their animals, but also to develop operations capable of maximum production and profitability on a daily basis.

CowFocused Housing Resources

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and his team are grateful for the opportunity to share their extensive dairy housing experience and expertise with operations throughout the dairy community. 

Among the housing resources currently available through CowFocused Housing include:
  • Compost-bedded pack barns—dairy housing systems generally comprised of large, wide-open resting areas.
  • Freestall barns—facilities that are fully covered with steel roofing and which provide individual stalls where the animals can lie down.
  • Tie-stall barns—designs that provide each cow her own stall with immediate access to food and water.