Saturday, April 13, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley: Essential Rules for Compost Bedded Pack Barn Construction

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley works as Partner and Consultant at CowFocused Housing, a consulting firm that provides expertise and guidance to dairy facilities regarding practical cow housing construction and cow comfort. Among the types of housing Dr. Bewley and his team advice on is compost bedded pack barns—housing systems generally consisting of open resting areas bedded with sawdust or wood shavings and manure.

As Dr. Bewley knows, there are essential rules of compost bedded pack barn building. Some of these include:
  • Providing a minimum of 100 square feet in the resting area for each individual cow.
  • Ensuring each barn is oriented east to west—a position that helps maximize the natural winds flowing across the barn’s longer side.
  • Installing a continuous ridge vent opening at least three inches for every 10 feet of roof width.
  • Providing a minimum of 2-2.5 feet of feed bunk space per individual cow—as well as three feet of water tank perimeter for every 15-20 cows. 
Visit for more information about him.