Monday, April 1, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley - Helping Dairies Succeed

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley is a Partner and Consultant at CowFocused Housing, a resource of information and expertise in practical housing and cow comfort options for dairy producers. 

Dr. Bewley and his colleagues understand the importance of cow comfort and housing when it comes to managing a productive dairy operation—and work with dairy professionals to determine the housing type that best works for each farm’s unique needs.

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and his team provide expert advice and consulting on three types of practical dairy cow housing, including:
  • Compost bedded pack barns, which consist of large, open resting areas typically bedded with sawdust or fine wood shavings and manure that is composted into place.

  • Freestall barns, which are fully-covered facilities generally built with steel roofing, concrete floor areas and softer-floor surface areas that provide individual spaces for each cow to lie down.

  • Tie-stall barns, systems that provide each cow her own stall (with bedding)—as well as access to water and food directly in front of the manger.