Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and the Dairy On-Farm Support team at Alltech
work tirelessly to supply dairy farmers and operations with the insight,
analytics and technology to optimize efficiency, productivity and
A Dairy Housing and Analytics Specialist at Alltech, Dr. Bewley
provides the in-depth dairy cow expertise and experience farmers need to
overcome the challenges of achieving better cow health and comfort in
conjunction with optimal production.
A Variety of Services
Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and Alltech offer a number of nutritional
services and technologies to ensure dairy farms are performing at their best.
These include not only a variety of cutting-edge dairy cow products, but also
such services as:
Gut health management
Increasing feed efficiency
Reducing the risk of Mycotoxins
Improving gut health
Optimizing mineral nutrition
Farm audits
And more.
Learn what Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and the elite dairy advisors at Alltech can do for your operation.