Monday, July 22, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley: An Expert Approach to Dairy Management

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley offers dairy farmers a systems approach to dairy management—one that considers all the interconnected parts of the dairy’s operation, and that utilizes both data and cow-based observations to improve overall productivity and profitability.
A Dairy Housing and Analytics Specialist at Alltech, Dr. Bewley and his team provide a comprehensive array of dairy cow services and solutions that work to eliminate inefficiency, improve cow health and maximize profit.

Jeffrey Bewley

An Expert Perspective

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and his team offer in-depth knowledge of and experience in numerous facets of dairy operation, including:
·         Precision dairy technologies (wearable, parlor-based and image-based).
·         CowSignals evaluation and training.
·         Cow-based economic decision support and advising.
·         Mastitis management.
·         Heat stress reduction.
·         Cow-focuses facility design
·         Barn flipping (compost, freestall and tie-stall)
·         Alltech herd analytics (AHA)
·         And more.
Click here to learn what Dr. Bewley and Alltech’s Elite Dairy Advisors can do for your operation.