Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jeffrey Bewley - Maximizing Cow Comfort at CowFocused Housing

Dr. Jeffrey Bewley knows that dairy cow comfort is one of the most important aspects of any dairy.

A partner and consultant at CowFocused Housing, Dr. Jeffrey Bewley works closely with each client to determine the housing fit that works best for their unique operation—the facility design and management option that will not only help maximize animal comfort and health, but that will also help optimize operational productivity and profit.

Expert Solutions with CowFocused Housing

Dairy farmers that choose Dr. Jeffrey Bewley and CowFocused Housing receive the help of professionals with more than 70 years of proven expertise in the field—a unique and powerful set of skills that includes significant expertise in compost barn design, construction and management. 

Dr. Bewley and his team know not only how to determine the housing type that fits best within each unique dairy environment, but also what it takes to get each farmer’s project started on the right foot.

Learn more at CowFocused Housing today.